Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Another Racism Hoax


A Texas Steakhouse has apologized to a customer that it initially claimed had written a racist note on their dinner receipt.

According to the server's allegations, after providing his table with a bill for their meal they provided no tip (at least on the receipt) and added the insult, "We don't tip terrorist", apparently due to the server's Arabic sounding name and appearance.

The restaurant wasted no time in coming to their server's defense stating, "We stand by and support our employee. Racism of any form is unacceptable." They also claimed to have banned the customer from eating at their restaurant, the Odessa based Saltgrass Steak House, for life. 

The server, Kahlil Cavil, shared a photo of the receipt on his Faceboook page, garnering national attention and widespread anger.  

Unfortunately it doesn't seem as if The Saltgrass conducted any initial review or investigation into their server's claims before banning the alleged racist customer and siding wholeheartedly with their employee. An employee who, it turns out, faked the whole incident

Terry Turney, COO of Saltgrass Steak House has since terminated Mr. Cavil, apologized to the customer and invited them back for a free meal. He further stated, "The customer has been contacted and invited back to our restaurant to dine on us. Racism of any form is intolerable, and we will always act swiftly should it occur in any of our establishments."

According to Mr. Turney's additional statements, false allegations of racism are equally as bad as racism itself. Assuming that's the case, didn't his public shaming of his customer as well as banning them from his establishment constitute false allegations of racism? His server was punished by losing his job, how should the steak house be punished, if at all? 

At least the steak house didn't disclose the identity of their customer, but hopefully this whole incident will teach them to be more careful in dealing with outrageous claims of racism in the future. Prior to making a public statement and banning a customer for life, the management needed to carefully examine the claims and question everyone involved because all too often claims of racism such as this turn out to be completely fabricated. 

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